Thursday, May 22, 2008

Who you gonna call?

Me? I'd call Tony Rizzo.


Results! See, here's the thing: everyone wants results. You do. I do. Your stakeholders. Your suppliers do. Your customers do, specially your customers.

What do I know that you may not? I know that Tony Rizzo solves problems. Big problems. Small problems. Problems of every size. All from the comfort of his command center on the east coast of the United States of America.

Can you fly him in? Sure. Stick a blank check in the mail and we will call you with the details.

But the neat thing is that you don't need to burn petrochemicals shipping the world's master project guru around the globe. I love what Les Brown said, "I am getting too old to take my shoes off every time I want to go somewhere!" It is not about age so much as it is all about costs.

If your projects are not going according to plan, you can pay us now, or you can pay us later. Remember the Fram® oil filter commercial? The point was you could pay four bucks ($4) for a new filter with your oil change, or save the money and buy a new engine later when the dirty oil caused it to seize.

Our TMx offering for just $179 USD (price subject to change without notice) even comes with a free thirty (30) day trial. TMx helps project planners graphically map out the most complex (and therefore, even simple) models using MS-Excel. Plus, you can share your results with anyone running Excel, and if you want to export your model to MS-Project, three clicks later, "done!" without errors, and linked to the resource-pool. But I digress...

However, if most projects are already underway and taking on water, you need professional help, not just a do-it-yourself tool like TMx.

If you need project help to solve issues, one on one, give me a call. Let me put you and Tony together on the phone for a free consultation on how me might be able to help, sooner rather than later.

Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey
Virtual Buzz Assistant
Product Development Institute
Cell: 330.432.3533
Fax: 330.308.0236
skype: tmxhelp